Sunday, August 10, 2014

Saturday Snapshots | #2

Today was a picnic kinda day... and what a picnic we had. As I had the day off work today, Toby and I decided to pack a picnic (French bread, chorizo and cherry tomatoes, to be precise) and drive up to Westbury White Horse, near to where I live. I admit, it was a little blustery and we had to dodge the piles of sheep poo in order to lay the picnic blanket down, but it was nice. Sometimes I find an hour or too away from civilisation, and the screens we are slaves to, makes the day a little bit nicer.

I had some water drinking issues...

After our lunch, we decided to go on a walk across the hills. Bar a few sheep,  it was pretty bereft of people around the far side of the Horse and the view was quite beautiful. I often forget how lovely Wiltshire really is, and the sea of bronze and green fields, lightly dappled with cottages and combine harvesters made quite the sight. 

Naturally, we had to end the day with an ice cream (thanks, Margret Thatcher!). And just as it started to rain, we decided to make like the old people by sitting and eating them in my car! Although we lacked curling cheese and pickle sandwiches and a flask of tea, I think the effect was still there...

How did you spend your Saturday? Was it as elderly as mine? 

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