Sunday, February 3, 2013

My 3 Wonders of the World

It's fair to say, I've been about a bit... and not in the licentious sense, (cheeky!), in the globe-hopping, aeroplane sense. This makes me incredibly lucky. Not only has traveling broadened my outlook of the earth we inhabit, it has also made me genuinely appreciative of other cultures, foreign cuisine, history and sheer natural beauty.

Thats the gushing stuff over with.

So, here are 3 places which I have visited, photographed and loved. It's quite simple really, enjoy!

p.s All pictures are un-edited and have been taken by me, on my trusted Olympus Pen.

1. Yosemite National Park, North America 

In the summer of 2012, my family and I embarked on our biggest adventure of all: a 3 week road-trip across California. Not only did we have to get to grips with driving, and parking, a 32ft R.V- the challenges of Bear Lockers (seriously, to stop bears breaking in and stealing your cake), sewage pipes and falling pine-cones proved somewhat of a struggle. However, after abandoning Gladys (our trusted motor-home) in a rickety and dusty campsite we were rewarded with Yosemite. Nothing can prepare you for the sheer natural sublimity of this place. With a scale beyond imagination; tumbling waterfalls, dense forestry and softly domed mountains greet you upon entry. Few places have reduced me to a similar state of awe. 

2. Pompeii, Italy

School trips, for me, have scarcely stretched beyond the mundane. Usually involving cramped coach journeys, travel sickness, feigned illness and mashed potato, they are hardly my fondest memories. But clearly A'Level Geography has it's perks, as this cheeky jaunt to Sorrento has got to be one of the highlights. Pompeii is eerily quiet. With twilight encroaching as we wandered the crumbling, dusty streets, you feel not only stunned by the absolute quality of that which remains, but an overwhelming sense of sadness for a society which lost everything. Preserved in ash, entire corpses, mosaics and buildings remain. Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? ... Sorry, couldn't resist a Bastille quote.

3. Hua Hin, Thailand

Hua Hin, a beach town, south of Bangkok has long been a destination for my family. Embarking on my 11th trip there this summer, it's safe to say my experiences of this extraordinary country have helped to mould my cultural outlook. A first trip to Thailand is a little like an assault on the senses; immediately you are stuck by the pungent, aromatic odours; resplendent colourings and the invasion of a thriving community in full, noisy cry. Embrace it, and you will certainly be hungry for more. 

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